Memphis, the oldest capital of Egypt, was built by King Menes, and lies 24 kms south-west of Cairo, in Al Badrasheen. What to see in Memphis.
• The colossal statue of Ramses II., exhibited in the museum. This is the most beautiful representation of Ramses II. It is made of fine-grained limestone, 13 metres long, and weighs 120 tons.
• The Temple for Embalming the Sacred Apis Bull, which shows the various steps of embalming.
• The Alabaster Sphinx of King Tuthmosis III.
Saqqara is the oldest Ancient Egyptian cemetery. It lies on a desert plateau, south-west of Cairo. Above rises the step-pyramid and mortuary compound, built by the engineer Imhotep for King Zoser the first of the III Dynasty pharaohs. It is of the mastaba-type. The pyramid is composed of six receding mastabas on top of each other.
The later pyramid builders developed this concept into the familiar even-sided pyramids. The step-pyramids measures 123.5 by 107 ms, at the base and about 59 ms in height.
Places to see in Egypt