Historic Downtown — home to art galleries, bars, restaurants, Town Hall, quaint homes, the city library, Western New Mexico University, the Silver City Museum and more — is at the heart of Silver City. Take US Highway 180 or Highway 90 into Silver City, and meet us downtown!
Silver City's Historic Downtown still shows much of its Old West charm, with buildings and streets from the days when bars of silver were stacked neatly on curbsides, waiting for assay or delivery out of town. Today, Silver City still has much to offer visitors and residents alike. Downtown is a successful multi-use area that appeals to many different customers.
Retail and gift shops, restaurants and coffeehouses, art galleries and antique stores, historic lodging, entertainment, and a wide variety of service businesses are all part of the mix.
The Silver City MainStreet Project was established in 1986 to promote downtown revitalization and historic preservation.
Downtown is home to The Big Ditch, too... which until a turn-of-the-century thunderstorm was the town's Main Street. After the flooding, "Main Street" had been turned into "The Big Ditch," now a park and greenbreak that hosts our annual San Vincente Big Ditch Art Fair.
Places to See in Silver City