Geographical Facts
Total Area - 58,560 sq. miles
Total Land Area - 54,252 sq. miles
Total Water Area - 4,308 sq. miles
Length north to south (St. Marys River to Key West) - 447 miles
Width east to west (Atlantic Ocean to Perdido River) - 361 miles
Highest Known Natural Point - Britton Hill (345 feet) near Lakewood in Northern Walton County
Geographic Center - 12 miles northwest of Brooksville in Hernando County
Number of Counties - 67
Largest County - Palm Beach, 2,578 sq. miles
Smallest County - Union, 245 sq. miles
Rank among states in total area - 22nd
Coastline - 1,197 statute miles
Beaches - 663 miles
Longest River - St. Johns, 273 miles
Largest Lake - Lake Okeechobee, 700 sq. miles
Population 2000 Federal Census - 15,982,378
Rank Among States In 2000 Population - 4th
Increase of 2000 Population Over 1990 - 19%
Most populous metropolitan area in 2000 - Miami-Ft. Lauderdale: 3,876,380
Florida farmers rank eighth nationally in net farm income with $1.8 billion in 2002.
Citrus - Tangelos, Temples, Oranges, Tangerines, and Grapefruit; 79 percent of the annual U.S. production in 2003-2004
Horticulture - Ranks second in the nation with greenhouse/nursery sales of more than $1.6 billion annually.
Livestock - Ranks third in states east of the Mississippi River, and 12th nationally in the production of beef calves.
Timberland - Is an $8.5 billion-a-year industry, planting eighty-two million trees a year.
Vegetables - Snap beans, Bell peppers, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, and Squash; ranks number 2 nationally in production of fresh vegetables.